In *GD, Arms and Tools, Family, Human Beings, Origins, Speech Written by


The Stone Age biliteral root *ʼD, vocalised for the purpose of this post “Ad”, is the name of a nation and its founder which was used by his successors who appear to have maintained a “private” proper noun used by family and very close friends. This may explain why the name of the founder continued to be used by his successors thousands of years later. The use of the same name of the founder or famous kings was a tradition in ancient times and tradition apllies to several ancient dynasties including the famous Ramses, the great founder of the dynasty.
The children of Ad will be called Adites. If we think of the Adites in terms of the modern Caucasians division, they would include both the “Aryans” and the Semites but not the Hamites.
Nobody in the history of Homo Sapiens is more famous than Ad, so much so that his name even today is still his prehistoric form, a bilateral root. Many thousands of years later the advent of the Agricultural Era created a new linguistic era during which use of Stone Age biliteral roots and biliteral compounds but a new form was added known as “trilierrals.” These are mostly biliteral roots with a third letter added either before or after the biliteral root. In post Agriculutral Era Ad was known as Hadad,  Adad and Adpa (Adaba) but more famous than three extended forms is Adam.
*ʼD and its reverse form, *D’, are a linguistic unit, most certainly the second largest linguistic cluster in Ancient Arabic and its Mespotamian, Hindi and European languages. No other human proper noun is attested more in Akkadian. Ad is associated with a very large number of actions, states and inventions dozens of which are found in Ancient and Modern Arabic.
Because a root is the original communicative container, later derivatives from his name are many and exceptionally significant due to their intellectual, cultural, social, humanistic, religious and behavioural expressions and concepts. IL, the name for God in Judaism, Christianity and Islam was invented by the nation of Ad. More important, in non-religious fields, are a number of linguistic clusters that include ʼR/Rʼ and ʼŠ/Šʼ, both adequately covered in earlier posts links for which will be provided at the end of this post.

Skin colour
By adding the letter ‘m” to his name, Adm (Adam, with a short ‘a’), the colour of his skin is revealed – it is the colour of the crust of the earth in southern Arabia – that of sand or earth with close colour variations. The colour of earth is not exactly the same everywhere so there was no consensus on its exact nature.

Lexicographers and linguists provided the following descriptions: “1) darkish colour, brown, a colour with black or white tan, white; 2) A man was told, “If you seek white women you’ll find them amongst the tribe of Mudlege; 3) Adam when used to describe camels is a white colour with dark eyes”.

However, colour is one of several meanings for Adam. The word denotes human beings as different from other animals. A woman or a man who is Adami/Adamiah is polite, considerate, gentle and generally of good character.

The word is also the name attested in Sumerian, according to some researchers, and in the Bible and the Quran. Some writers compared the narrative of Adam in religious books to the Sumerian narrative of Adapa, or Adamu. Etymology supports the notion that Ad is the oldest known man. Some of his descendents were aware of being the oldest humans on Earth but it is not possible to specify an era. Etymological identification is straightforward in later eras when the language was expanded. However, the roots are the oldest viable communicative component of language. Some are maybe 10,000 years old and some four or five times that, or maybe even older. We can identify several of his sons, and probably his home in south east Arabia. This you can find in the caption of the image on this page:

The two sides of us
Some of the eternal expressions of human emotions were expressed by the Adites. Words like love, inseparable love, feeling, poetry, socialisation, sex, erotic, history, perfume and several others contained in the linguistic clusters ʼR/Rʼ and ʼŠ/Šʼ:

Probably the Adites can be credited with the development of human consciousness. It wasn’t like “I think therefore I am” but “I am here and I’m different from other animals”. ‘He’ in this process wasn’t the other. The other was a ferocious monster. The process was built on the realisation that “I am one, and you are two”: ‘an’ “I”; ‘ta’ “you”. The words “one, you, two, here, in this very spot” are represented by a single root *AN (IPA *ʼN). The importance of this concept can be sensed in the reversed form of the root *NA (IPA *Nʼ). It means the place opposite of here or “distant”. This may appear elementary now but the people of Ad were at last able to think of themselves in two different states: present and absent and in both cases they are one and the same.

Presented in another post were the meanings of another Ad extension “Adb (adab): “belles-lettres; literary studies and writings; books, plays, etc. that people think have value; give a banquet; civility, politeness; act of politeness, courteous behaviour; advanced development of the human body, mind, etc; the intellectual development; the quality of being polite and respectable; correct behaviour that shows respect; training of the mind and character, to exercise self-control, habits of obedience; improvement of mind or character, burnishing or refinement quality of being polite; chasten; chastise; discipline; punish,” etc.

These are the Adites, the civilised and the civilisers of the ancient world. Most of the words they invented many thousands of years ago are essential in today’s Arabic, Akkadian and other similar languages.

Nobody in ancient history is more important than Ad, and probably no other sons are more important than his. One of them is Mur. He is the founder of the Babylonian empire and leader of the powerful Amorite tribe. Like his Dad in Mespotamia and Syria, he became the most important god in Mesopotamia. Hammurabi’s name is “Amur (Mur) is my father”, and Ad is most probably the Adonai of the Bible.

Who are the descendents of Ad?

The majority of:
Arabians and Arabs,
People of the Indian subcontinent,

Some of those listed would include the children of a rival ancient Arabian leader “A’d, and the Sumerians but those are for another post.

A statue of Ad is here:

Image: Arabs, Jews, Persians, Pakistanis, Indians, Greek, Italians, French, Spanish and others.

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Last modified: December 30, 2022

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