(2) *GN → ●KN → CUNT
The undisputable origin of Homo Sapiens is the cunts of their women. Ancient English speakers appear to have been more conservative preferring to use other names for this most famous of private parts, switch certain names and introduce and element of good humour to others. Ancient Arabians were closer to their Stone Age roots and their speech more so. Therefore, there was no attempt to name things by any other than their ancient names hence “cunt” in their language is ‘kiss’ from the mono syllabic root morpheme *KS. Local Arabic dialects call it ‘kuss,” or “kiss.”
Permit us to repeat that prehistoric men and women didn’t create words by the bucketful. What they did was to create linguistic categories. Everything that could be eaten is “akal”, everything that could be drank is “m'”, everything that flies is “tr” with a dot under the “t”, everything that has a sharp edge is *ŠF (Š=sh).
When we analysed the words, ‘kiss/coss’ “cunt”, ‘kis’ (i=ee) “bag”, ‘kas’ “cup” they turned out to be from the same root *KS. Why is that? Because, apparently, there is a resemblance between the cunt and both the bags and cups used in prehistoric times simply because they have cavities, and things can be stored in them, well, sometimes, like babies, for example.
The reverse root of *KS is *SK. From this root “rail, road, narrow street”, etc. Clearly, prehistoric ancestors viewed cunts as passages, bags, containers, cups, because of the shape similarity. In today’s Arabic ‘sikat hadid’ is “railway”.
In Akkadian: “kīs libbi: [Human → Disease] colic”. The literal translation is “heart’s bag”. It is as if colic was thought of as a bag inside their chest.
Also in Akkadian: “kiskilili : [Religion → Myths] a demoness , a she-devil”. The literal translation is “cunt of the night”, “cunt” being “woman”, which is fair enough as angry wives may call their husbands “Prick!” and husbands”Cunt!”.
In Akkadian as well: “kīsu (2) : [Transport] 1) a money bag, a purse, a bag of leather or gold and silver”.
So, there is your proof. Why the heck the entry is listed under “Transport” category is not clear unless the Assyrians invented the railway from the “cunt” concept.
Here’s another thing: I suspect the English word ‘kiss’ is borrowed from Arabic ‘coss’. Here’s what the Etymology Online Dictionary says: Kiss: Old English coss; see kiss (v.). It became Middle English cuss, but this yielded to kiss, from the verb. Kiss of death in figurative sense “thing that signifies impending failure” is from 1944 (Billboard, Oct. 21), ultimately in reference to Judas’s kiss in Gethsemane (Matt. xxvi:48-50). The kiss of peace was, in Old English, sibbecoss (for first element, see sibling). Lots of words but where is the root?
Now ‘sibbecoss’ looks very suspicious especially if the first ‘s’ was originally ‘z’, a very common migration in Semitic chat.

Last modified: June 2, 2023