In Family, Origins Written by


We may think that we can produce endless sounds but the phonetic truth of the matter is that unique and easily re-producible sounds are very limited.
Ancient Arabian, the main tongue of generational humanity and mother of some of the most important languages spoken today, borrowed most of its sounds from nature. Even the English word “sound” is echoic of bird sounds, saw, saw, and it is a human approximation.
The letter “v” is not an Ancient Arabian sound and its use may have been influenced by temple linguists. It is used to express ‘p,’ as in French vie “life,” and ‘b,’ as in “liebe” (love). We don’t want to alarm you but our investigation of the origins of language sounds appears to indicate the letter ‘p’ is actually a sound emitted by King Cobras. Its original sharply plosive sound is something lik: pffff.
The nation that used the sound, ‘Aad, had no problem pronouncing the unique sound but other subsequent speakers found it difficult to re-produce and it was substituted for ‘f’ or ‘b’.
This is the reason why speakers who are comfortable with ‘p’ can be descendants of speakers whose alphabet included the original ‘p’. You can easily identify Arabs because subconsciously they substitute it for ‘b’ but ancient lexicographers used the letter ‘f’ as well, mainly to generate more words to denote new things or experiences.
When we to try to investigate the origin of English “love” we may find the following from OED:
Old English lufu “feeling of love; romantic amorous attraction; affection; friendliness; the love of God; Love as an abstraction or personification,” from Proto-Germanic *lubo (source also of Old High German liubi “joy,” German Liebe “love;” Old Norse, Old Frisian, Dutch lof; German Lob “praise;” Old Saxon liof, Old Frisian liaf, Dutch lief, Old High German liob, German lieb, Gothic liufs “dear, beloved”).
Of course, this not etymology but it is useful in that it presents the seasoned etymologist with a list of variants of the word. Applied Biliteral Etymology  we can single out German liebe and old High German liob, both of which are not triliterals (made of 3 letters) or extensions but pristine, original Stone Age biliteral root *LB, albeit vowelized.
This means the German word is the exact word used by our Stone Age ancestors many thousands of years ago. However, first generation roots, such as water, danger, food, kill, etc., could be as old as 70,000 years.
The Stone Age biliteral *LB was used by our Stone Age ancestors to mean “heart,” but also anything soft or fleshy inside something fleshy or hard. For example, in Ancient Arabic lub (لب)  means the kernel of walnuts. It meant, milk, liban or frankincense because it is produced by special trees to shield an incision made by harvesters.
Arabic and Maltese qalb, a triliteral , derive from *LB ( q + *LB = qalb). When a boy or girl tells a girl or a boy in Englishو “I love you,” he or she are actually saying “You are my heart,” or “I give you my heart.”
Before Islam, Arabians used to go to Mecca to pray. The usual utterance is “lubyk allahuma lubyk,“ which means, “Allah (God) I give you my heart.”
*LB is attested in Akkadian, the language of our Babylonian and Assyrian ancestors:
libbu: [Human → Body] 1) the heart; 2) courage.
Courage in the Akkadian entry is figurative. Ancient Arbaic expresses terms such as “He has a strong heart,” or “His heart is strong,” meaning he is daring. English is more so in expressions such as “strong hearted” and synonyms such as centre, middle, hub, core, nucleus, kernel, eye, bosom, navel, etc.
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Last modified: December 30, 2022

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